serves 6
- 5 bunched carrots, about 300 g
- 4 tbsp olive oil
- salt
- 3 clementines
- 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1 Tahine paste
- pepper
- 10 stems of green cilantro
Clean carrots and cut them in quarter.
Mix with 2 tbsp olive oil and a pinch of salt.
Put the carrots on a tray covered with baking paper and cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees (gas 2-3, circulating air 160 degrees) on the 2nd bar from the bottom for 10-15 minutes.
Peel clementines and cut into 5 mm thin slices.
Mix the lemon juice, Tahine paste, salt, pepper and the remaining oil to a dressing. separate coriander leaves from the stems and cut roughly.
Allow carrots to cool and mix gently with clementines and dressing. Serve with sprinkled coriander.